Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lazy Sunday, Debrief Monday, and Bonding Tuesday

Sorry I haven't written in a while. The Internet SUCKS here and with my phone sucking as well, well as you can tell I don't get to go online as much as I would like. So let me recap what I have been doing for the last couple of days.

Sunday was a lazy day. I tried to sleep in but my body is getting used to waking up at obnoxious hours and chose to do so on Sunday. As well as it being day light savings time as well. I got up and got some things done that I needed to do. Then I had lunch and sat on my butt and watched football for the rest of the day. My team had our celebration BBQ for our first project well done. It was pretty amazing I must say. Then I ended up going to bed at 9pm.

Monday we had PT at 5:30am. My team played capture the flag in the bitch black, using water bottles as flags. It was pretty fun besides being up that early, it was better than running around the track. After PT I met with my group to go over what we were going to do for our debrief about our 3 day project. We came up with a poem about not being able to right poems as our closure which was funny. The person that is a VST with me did not want to participate so I did all the work. O well. We had the debrief which went very well and we were told that by the assistant program director. After the debrief we had tool training which is basically what you thought it would be dad. "This is a hammer, this is a screw, blah, blah, blah. But we actually got to use some of the tools which was nice. Then we went to the grocery store to pick up food for the week. The people that were making dinners for the week had a budget of $16 to spend. That is hard to do when you are feeding 11 people, But some how I did it. I am making American Chopped Sewy. Sorry as you all know I can't spell. Then we got back made our own dinners and it was time for bed.

Today was the ropes course. It was a team building activity. We went to Iowa University in Iowa City. My group had a great time and I think we really did bond and learn more about each other and how to trust each other. Then we got back to campus and had a team meeting. At 6:30 I have a room inspection then I am done for the day. I hope to get to sleep early because we have PT at 5:30am in the morning. YUK. But I am actually getting used to it. Love you guys

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