Saturday, December 12, 2009

Last week in Toledo

This was a very COLD week to be working outside. But I got to work in the greenhouse most of the days which was pretty amazing. I potted plants, pruned plants, and learned much more about gardening and plants than I ever thought I would know. This week all blends together in my head but I will try to explain it well.

On Wednesday I worked in the greenhouse for a little bit with Amy then we went over to the Toledo Grows house and finished sorting seeds and cleaning the place up. Around 2:30pm I went with Matti and Ian to do brew waste in the city. We picked up brew waste at a brewery and then dumped it on one of the gardens. The brewery gave us a whole case of beer for it lol. We came back to the house and hung out. Unfortunatley that day two computers were stolen from my teammates right out of our house along with an Ipod. That is kinda scarey. After the police came and everything a couple of us went to Ian's to get away from everything.

On Thursday it was 5 degrees below 0 with the wind chill. We were outside picking up fallen limbs from trees for 2 hours. I froze my ass off. Then we got to go inside for a while and work in the greenhouse. Then 4 other of my teammates and I delievered a plaster statue of a "Lady with Birds" to Camp Couragoues which is a camp for special needs kids. It was fun to see the place even if the kids weren't there. After delivering the statue I worked back in the greenhouse for the rest of the day. After work we all got ready then went to a pot luck at Matt's who works for TBG. It was a kind of good bye thing for us. We ate good food, played, games, talked, and played Wii. I had a good time.

On Friday I worked in the greenhouse in the morning with a bunch of people potting plants and stuff. After lunch I made phone calls to donor's for TBG thanking people for their support. After work we did PT then dropped some people off at the Art Museum and then I went food shopping for stuff to make for dinner. I made cousin Sara's Orange chicken, Grandma Duddy's Kugel, potato pancakes, and some veggies. It was a very good Hannukah dinner. After dinner I went out with a guy named Jason who works at TBG. He is very sweet. I had a good time.

Today is Saturday and the plan is to have a team meeting then we are doing an ISP at the Monor House being Hosts. This isn't really how I want to spend my Saturday but o well I will be home soon. Can't wait.

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