Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Weird weather

    The weather here in Indiana is really weird. Yesterday the weather was beautiful all day. There were no clouds in the sky and it was the perfect weather. Then around 5:45 I looked at the sky and half of the sky was blue and the other half was dark as anything. Suddenly the wind went crazy and the rain was falling. It also probably dropper about 15 degrees. But I was a big girl and dealt with the storms well last night.

   Yesterday was our first day at work. First we went to Minnetrisa Museum to see their beautiful gardens.  We got a tour from the head horticulturalist.  The grounds are amazing they have 40 acers of land some is natural and some is beautifully made gardens.  This place was beautiful and I would love to go back there again.  I also would love to sit in the natural part and read on a beautiful day.  After that we went to the Buley Center and talked with Mrs.Mary who is the interem director and she got to know us and our abilities and interests.  Then the kids came and it went crazy.  Know one ever calmed the kids down so they were really wound up all day.  After being at school all day they needed some time to regroup but instead they sat and got talked to most of the afternoon.  People kept giving the kids long winded explanations instead of being quick with directions.  This project is going to be hard for our team because everyone has a different opinion about everything and people need to learn to not take things personally when working with kids and to work as a team because everyone has something to offer.  I am going to try and stand in the background and just see what people do because know one usually listens to my imput anyway.  But we will see what happens.  So yesterday was kind of crazy and we talked about it last night and we are going to go over things and ideas tonight at dinner which will help.

    Something that has been happening lately is that my team leader Shalyn and I are are getting along very well.  She is one of the only ones that is supportive about my fear of thunder storms.  She is also more willing to talk things out for me.  I feel like she is more of an alli now and on our side.  Shalyn is much more approachable than before and I like that.
   Today was a pretty awesome day.  We had the day off because it is election day and we work for the town.   We did an ISP today though.  We met our sponsor, Jason in the parking lot of our apartment at 9:30 which meant that we got to sleep in, that was great.  We followed him to a community garden a couple blocks from our apartment.  This is a different type of community garden then most.  In most community gardens each family has there own plot and they have to keep up with it.  This garden is different because no one has a specific plot and everything is for everyone and people just pitch in to help grow and keep up the maintenance.  It had rained last night so it was really easy to weed.  We weeded most of the day and it was very therapeutic.  We also planted broccoli and potatoes. I dug up some baby onions and ate them raw, they are very good.  It was beautiful outside and we got 5 ISP hours.  Then we went back to the apartment, relaxed, and did PT.  Currently I am at a coffee shop and then I will be going back to the house and relaxing.

   I found out today that I got approved to take off June 4 so I can have 3 full days with mom when she comes.  I can't wait for you to get here mom.  I have so many ideas of things for us to do.  I am so excited for you to be here.  Hope things are going well with you guys.

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